Junta Ueki's comissions

Status: Aug wait list open

Welcome to my carrd, here’s some info on my artwork and rates, if you’re ever interested don’t be afraid to message me.

Indie Live2d modeler.


Live2d model art
all models include up to three expression assets for free
Bust up: 150$
Half body: 275$
Full body: 350$
Outfit changes: 20-100$
Additional expressions: 5-20$
Additional assets (sets of arms, drawing tablet ect): 20-50$
Regular artwork
No commercial use included unless reference sheet or character design.
Chibi work: 30$
Icons: 40$
Bust up: 50$
Half body: 75$
Full body: 100$
Character reference (Front, back, and 3 expressions): 200$
Character design (includes commercial use): 100$
detailed bg: 15-50
additional characters will cost the same.
Includes mouth and eyes open and closed.
Half body: 75$For different projects message me to discuss the pricing! <3


Please do reach out for comission information and general inquiries! i dont bite :)


Terms of service

-The payment will take place once the client has agreed that the initial sketch is ready to be further worked on, after that point refunds will not be allowed.-The payments will take place via paypal exclusively.-The payment can be done by 50% upfront and 50% before the finished files are turned in if the client desires it to be done that way.-When buying with comercial use, the client is allowed to use the model or character for their use, (YouTube twitch, twitter, printing for yourself, etc) what isn’t allowed is redistributing the model (reselling, selling to multiple parties, selling prints of the work without discussing.) for such, discuss it with the artist in advance so they can work it out for both parties.-The artist has three months to complete the commission.-No refunds will be available if the work has been started, unless the artist fails to deliver the work or the artist can’t pull through with the commission.-If the artist hasn’t started the work but have sent the sketch the refund will be 80% of the total agreed price.